Test data

2023-01-26 00:50:48
Supply chain refers to a functional network chain structure that integrates suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and end users into a whole, starting with supporting parts, making intermediate products and final products, and finally delivering products to consumers through the sales network. The business philosophy of supply chain management is to seek the overall optimization of supply chain from the perspective of consumers through the cooperation between enterprises. Successful supply chain management can coordinate and integrate all activities in the supply chain, and ultimately become a seamless integration process.
The concept of supply chain is developed from the concept of expanding production, which extends and extends the production activities of enterprises. Toyota's lean collaboration approach controls and coordinates the activities of suppliers as an organic part of production activities. Harrison defines supply chain as: "Supply chain is a functional network chain that performs procurement of raw materials, converts them into intermediate products and finished products, and sells finished products to users." Stevens of the US argues that "Controlling the flow from supplier to user through value-added processes and distribution channels is the supply chain, which begins at the source of supply and ends at the end of consumption." Therefore, the supply chain is an Interface formed between customers and suppliers through such activities as Plan, Obtain, Store, Distribute, Serve, etc., so that the enterprise can meet the needs of internal and external customers.
Image definition:
We can picture the supply chain as a tree with lush branches: the production company forms the root; The sole agent is the backbone; Distributors are branches and treetops; The trees full of green leaves and red flowers are the end users; In the root and trunk, branch and trunk of a node, contains a circulation, black and blue veins is the information management system.
The relationships between firms in a supply chain are similar to those in a biological food chain. In a simple food chain of "grass, rabbit, Wolf, and lion" (assuming, for the sake of argument, that only these four creatures exist in this natural environment), if we kill all the rabbits, the grass will grow out of control, and the wolves will starve to death due to the extinction of the rabbits, and even the most powerful lion will slowly starve to death due to the death of the wolves. It can be seen that each organism in the food chain is interdependent. Destroying any organism in the food chain will inevitably lead to the loss of balance of the food chain and ultimately destroy the ecological environment on which human beings depend for survival.
Similarly, in the supply chain "Enterprise A -- Enterprise B -- Enterprise C", enterprise A is the raw material supplier of enterprise B, and enterprise C is the product seller of enterprise B. If enterprise B neglects the interdependence of various elements in the supply chain, but pays too much attention to its own internal development, and its production capacity keeps improving. However, if enterprise A fails to provide it with raw materials in time, or the sales capacity of enterprise C cannot keep up with the development of the production capacity of Enterprise B, we can draw the following conclusion: The development of firm B's productivity does not match the overall efficiency of this supply chain.
Note: "Value chain" is the same concept as supply chain. In fact, the so-called global operations management mentioned is similar to the supply chain and covers the same categories.
The national standard "Logistics Terminology" defines it as the network chain structure formed by upstream and downstream enterprises involved in the production and circulation process to provide products or services to the end users.
With the constant iteration of 3G, 4G, and even 5G mobile networks, the supply chain has entered the mobile era. Mobile supply chain is a technology that uses wireless network to realize supply chain. It migrates the customer relationship management function from the existing supply chain system to the mobile phone. Mobile supply chain system has advantages that traditional supply chain system cannot compare with. The mobile supply chain system enables the business to get rid of the limitations of time and place, communicate with the company on the business platform anytime and anywhere, effectively improve the management efficiency, and promote the growth of enterprise benefits. Digital Star's mobile supply chain system is a mobile supply chain product that integrates 3G mobile technology, intelligent mobile terminal, VPN, identity authentication, geographic information system (GIS), Webservice, business intelligence and other technologies.
Supply chain in express service, express service has become an inseparable "supply chain" of e-commerce, every single commodity to rely on express business delivery to complete the "door to door" service.