Overview of Party building work
Party building cast soul, science and technology to rejuvenate agriculture
Guided by the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and the XIJINPING Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will continue to exercise strict self-governance in all respects, fulfill our responsibility for self-governance, and comprehensively advance the Party's political, ideological, organizational, work style, and discipline development with the Party's political building as its guiding principle.
Consolidate the foundation of party building and create a learning atmosphere
Carry out Party-themed life education and further promote it. Two studies and one action. We will make learning and education regular and do a good job in educating and training party members.
Build firm enterprise party branch fighting fortress, strive to be the vanguard model of party members
We will strengthen the construction of Party branches in enterprises and the ranks of Party members, and earnestly carry out Party building themed activities.
Party building leads the direction and promotes the deep integration of Party building work and enterprise operation and production work
We will strengthen the construction of Party branches in enterprises and the ranks of Party members, and earnestly carry out Party building themed activities.